Explore Membership

What is C12?
C12 was founded in 1992 with 30 business owners in Florida participating in an experimental venture called “Christian Twelve Group” by its founder and then only chair Buck Jacobs. It has since grown to currently almost 200 chairs and more than 4300 members in the US and globally.
C12 is an organization for like-minded peers striving to build great businesses for a greater purpose. All of our frameworks, principles, assessments, questions, and content shape our own business. That is why we promise to be an example of all we promote and to be accountable to our members.
These are the core tenants at the heart of everything we do.
We equip Christian CEOs and owners to build great businesses for a greater purpose.
To change the world by advancing the Gospel in the marketplace.
Jesus Christ is Lord, the whole Bible is wholly true, God has an eternal plan for each believer’s life, and that plan includes their business.
Key Elements of a C12 Membership
Business Forum
A monthly in-person meeting with peers (business owners/leaders from various industries, no competitors)
Elements of a monthly Business Forum
Member snapshot
to provide a monthly at-a-glance assessment of life and leadership to deliver personal perspective and peer insight. Members present their snapshots to each other, including highs, lows, and issues that need to be addressed/discussed with peers, prayer requests, and praise reports to be celebrated.
Each month we cover different topics to help members apply biblical principles to their lives and businesses, improve their leadership and management skills, and use their businesses to do God’s work. This is a combination of teaching and leveraging the combined wisdom of the 10 – 12 experienced leaders in the room.
Open Forum
Members have the opportunity to request group input and advice on any current business or personal issues.
Core Business Presentation (CBP)
Each member has the opportunity once per year to prepare and present a snapshot of their business and personal lives to their C12 Business Forum as though they are a personal board of directors. As part of and in preparation for the CBP, 2 peers conduct 360-degree interviews with some Key employees/leaders and the spouse of the presenting member.
Peers hold each other accountable to create and complete meaningful to-dos as a result of the monthly forum.
We expect our members to attend 10 of 12 monthly meetings each year and avoid absence of 2 consecutive meetings.
We encourage our members to not go to work before the C12 meeting or return to work afterward and to allow the day to be fully devoted to more strategic activities (like spending a little extra time alone or with family in the morning and afternoon).
Focus 60
- A monthly personal coaching session led by the C12 chair who helps each member develop and track personal and professional goals as well as refine organizational plans and strategies.
- While each member sets his agenda, the chair is always prepared to proactively address issues that surfaced during the Business Forum or through the growing relationship.
Industry Forum
- An elective peer gathering, typically virtual) available to current C12 members who share similar business types or industries.
Key Player Forum
- A peer Forum for the direct reports and key operational leaders within a member’s business.
- Supports the development of current and future leaders to prepare for growing responsibilities.
- Supports the implementation of topics discussed during the CEO forum.
- Key Players run through the same curriculum and meeting format as CEOs.
- Personal coaching is not part of the Key Player program.
Current Conference
A biennial gathering of the global C12 member and chair community, faith leaders, and special guests.
The largest gathering of Christian CEOs and executives in the country.
The next Conference “CURRENT25” will be in Dallas, Tx, with Patrick Lencioni and Jordan Raynor as keynote speakers. We expect close to 2000 participants.

Membership Resources
C12 Strategic Alliance: An invitation-only affiliation of national or global market-place focused organizations working together with C12 HQ, many of whom offer discounts for active C12 members.
C12 resource library: A wide range of topical executive curriculum, case studies, videos, ebooks, leadership tools, seminars, and workshops. All monthly C12 meeting curricula are available dating back to January 2010.
RightNowMedia@Work: complimentary access to a large library of videos by well known authors, leaders, coaches, and consultants on such topics as leadership, team building, personal and professional development, marriage and mental health.
What makes C12 different from other peer groups:
Improve your business.
Results matter. Our format incorporates solid planning disciplines, agile frameworks, and peer counsel into a framework that anchors plans in a resilient, vision-driven scorecard. But, C12 is more like an ongoing fitness program for growth-minded leaders rather than an emergency room. It’s an investment into perpetual improvement.
Receive and provide qualified advice.
Through monthly business and industry forums and FOCUS60 sessions, C12 members gain insight and wisdom from those who have ‘been there.’ Business issues are presented, weighed, and discussed with peers sharing a biblical perspective and common worldview.
Sharpen others and be sharpened.
The C12 approach to leadership development is not for everyone. Allowing others to speak into all areas of our lives as Christ-followers, including our business, requires humility, transparency, courage, and grit. It’s like having a personal board of advisors for all of life’s decisions and challenges, not just those in business.
Increase your impact.
C12 helps break down the myth of being alone in the work of building the kingdom. Applying the BaaM (Business as a Ministry) framework can completely transform workplace cultures, unleash human flourishing, and foster purpose-driven engagement unlike anything else.
Some benefits of Membership
Industry Forums
An elective peer gathering available to C12 members who share a similar business type or industry. Participation may be in-person or virtual but is not limited by geography.
A monthly personal coaching session led by a qualified C12 Chair who helps each CEO member develop and track personal and professional goals as well as refine organizational plans and strategies.
C12 Business Forums
A monthly invitation-only gathering of qualified peers working through challenges, sharing ideas, and developing strategies in a non-competing, confidential environment.
C12 Resources
Topical executive curriculum, case studies, videos, ebooks, leadership tools, resource organizations, seminars and workshops available to C12 members, all in alignment with and in support of the C12 BaaM (Business-as-a-Ministry) Framework.
CURRENT Conference
A biennial gathering of the global C12 network, faith/work leaders, and guests. Attendees hear from current business leaders sharing best practices and ideas with actionable takeaways. As the largest gathering of Christian CEOs and executives, attendees leave both inspired and equipped.
Membership Directory
The directory serves as a comprehensive resource, allowing easy access to contact information, business details, and expertise within the community. Additionally, the directory enhances visibility, helping members to establish and strengthen business relationships that drive success.
Invited: The C12 Experience
As the leader of a business, do you have a place to go to share and learn from others dealing with the same challenges? Is it a place where you receive advice and counsel from those with the same worldview? Experience the transformative power of what happens when peers gather around a C12 table…you’re invited.
The C12 Key Player Program
As C12 CEOs grow in their understanding of business excellence, they often experience challenges within their leadership teams. To address these challenges, the C12 Key Player Program was created. This program offers a peer Forum for the direct reports and key operational leaders of C12’s CEO members.
C12’s Key Player Program has proven to be valuable for member companies by enhancing team alignment around the company’s mission, vision, values, and strategy.